This handbook serves as a guide for practitioners who engage in dialogue on fiscal and economic policies in Tanzania. It focuses on the dialogue that was conducted within the frame of the Pilot 4 Research and Development project, which aimed to promote dialogue on economic and fiscal governance in Tanzania, and which created a platform for sustainable dialogue including public and private stakeholders from different Tanzanian regions. This handbook is based on the three studies and nine policy briefs that were published, as well as on the dialogue that took place between the various stakeholders during the seven consultation events that were organized during the project. The Pilot 4 Research and Development project (2019-2021) was run by PILOT4DEV and the Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship Development in Tanzania, under the lead of the Tampere Peace Research Institute (TAPRI, Tampere University, Finland). The project was co-funded by the European Union.

Citation: De Smet, Bram J (ed). Promoting Dialogue on Economic and Fiscal Policy in Tanzania: A Handbook for Practitioners. TAPRI Studies in Peace and Conflict Research 106. Tampere: Tampere Peace Research Institute, 2021.

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Promoting Dialogue on Economic and Fiscal Policy in Tanzania: A Handbook for Practitioners